
Friday, January 14, 2011

Weekly Update

The week went well for me. It seemed to be a light week, only a run on Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday I put in 4 miles on the treadmill and Thursday I did 5. I averaged just under a 10 minute pace for both finishing in just under 4o minutes on Tuesday and just under 50 minutes on Thursday.

This should not have come as a surprise to me, but I struggled with my music on Thursday. Neither Tony or I are greatly into music, so we have never had an iPod or really gotten into iTunes (nor would I even know how to use either if given the opportunity). Tony did invest in a small MP3 player (at least I think that is what it is) at some point during one of his marathon trainings. Since we don't have quite the selection, he uploaded Matchbox Twenty, Dave Matthews, Beck, some Sarah McLaughlin (yes, Tony loves Sarah McLaughlin) and, wait for it, Christmas music.

As a result, I asked my sister to help us out in this department. She was nice enough to put together some songs she thought I might like and gave it as a Xmas present. We finally got them uploaded to the device and I tested it out on Thursday. Needless to say, there is no sort of rhyme or reason to the order, so I spent nearly 10 minutes just trying to find a song I actually liked because I had to get through the first 200+ that Tony had for him. I'm sure there is an easier way to do this, but as of now, we can't figure out how to create a playlist on the device that we have.

Despite the musical difficulties, the run was pretty good. I was able to find some tunes that I enjoyed for my cool down and Lady Gaga even got me through my longest held plank since having Tyler, 60 seconds.

Tomorrow I have my long run, which should be 9 miles. I am excited to get out there and see how I feel. I had an interesting dinner to load up for tomorrow. We typically do our grocery shopping on the weekend so right now it is slim pickings for dinner. I am getting better at planning meals out for the whole week, but assumed we had some pasta for tonight and you know what happens when you assume...you end up with ghetto pasta concoction of broken lasagna noodles, elbow macaroni, and tri-colored rotini. I hope it does the trick for tomorrow! I am not sure how the food will directly affect me because my run won't occur until the afternoon due to Tony's work schedule. I can only hope this will work!

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