
Monday, August 18, 2014

5 months Post Op

On July 31st, my physical therapist dismissed me from therapy.  I had been anticipating this day and it really was nothing like I had envisioned.  I had expressed my frustrations at the previous appointment (which had been July 15th due to vacationing in between) about how I didn't really seem to be progressing any more.  I had been pretty religious about the exercises and dappled in biking, yoga, and walk/jog, but everything kind of remained the same.  Any time I tried to participate in the return to run program, I would be fine during the "run," but not for the few days following.

When he saw me again on July 31st, he told me that I "graduated, but didn't graduate."  This was actually hard to hear because I had been so excited to reach this point and, instead, he told me he didn't think there was anything else he could do for me.  We had regained my strength and Andy reminded me that I knew my body best and was a "smart woman."  I had the tools I needed and he sent me on my way.

Since then, I've done even less.  I was curious to see if resting would provide some pain relief in the butt area.  It still has been hard to tell what actually is the best.  Two days ago, I mixed my therapy exercises in between minutes of fast walking in my neighborhood.  That seemed to loosen me up for the day and I've felt good ever since.  I have also picked back up on going to my BodyFlow classes and they always make me feel better.

I have my 6th month appointment with Dr. Ho on September 8th, so we shall see what he has to say about all of this.

Meanwhile, the school year is just starting.  I had meetings all day today and will have some more tomorrow before the students return on Wednesday.

You'll notice I don't have any trouble squatting down.  Thankfully my flexibility and motion are getting back to where they used to be with little to no pain.


  1. Have you tried ART? I HIGHLY recommend it. I'm about 3.5 months post op and I'm able to run several miles a few days per week! I still get sore, but it's not like before.

    1. I did try that in the early stages of my pains. I'll have to check back with my insurance to see how I can make it cheaper.
